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Everything posted by woobinda68

  1. Hi.. I Have connect to the westwood room with dune2k.. My modality is win 2k compatibility.. but I have the crash of system of dune2k (dune2000.dat error...) what is this error? Ihave select win 95 compatibility and the dune2k on-line is stable.. but my screen is split.. I have winxp sp1, asus v7100 display card and lcd screen.. tanks
  2. Hi to all.. ;D I have this problem too.. For AMIgaBot I have followed your councils but still he does not work. which key for tiberian I must use? one key or a crack? For muis2004 In the File: "Windows XP: ---> C:Windowssystem32driversetchosts" I have only ' localhost' but it does not work, what I must make? Tanks a lot!!! :P
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