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CMA Death Adder

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Everything posted by CMA Death Adder

  1. CMA Death Adder


    Glad you can find the RAW files useful for your purposes, Stefan. You'll also note that my RAW rips have been trimmed to proper song length, so it's easier to work with. A most concise version of the Dune II AdLib music could be grabbed using my AdLib Digisnap, a special hardware which records AdLib output directly (much cleaner sound than normal recording methods), but I haven't had time to do this. If I do it, I'll tell you. In the meantime, enjoy the RAW files. ;)
  2. CMA Death Adder


    In case there's curiousity, I've ripped the complete Dune II soundtrack (AdLib version) and posted it at the AdLib music archive: http://adlib.superfighter.com/ The resulting RAW music files can be played using AdPlug for Windows and Linux or AdPlay for DOS: http://adplug.sourceforge.net/ These very small RAW files are much more convenient than large MP3 files, I think, and they can be played whether or not you have an OPL2 (AdLib) chip on your soundcard. RDOSPlay can play the Dune II music files (ADL) natively, but it's a DOS program only.
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