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Everything posted by strider

  1. Hunter, here is a post by JulesG, When I was on Windows ME I had a wireless mouse that if I moved too quickly (dual-clicking) trying to rotate 3D view the game would freeze. Fixed by "learning" to move mouse slower...until I forgot a hour or so later. The other problem was with motherboard based audio - load first campaign, voice would stutter and then game would freeze or crash - fixed by re-installing latest audio driver (got changed when I loaded some other new drivers somehow). Fix to all this was Windows XP Upgrade, same old FAT32 format but now can run with Anti-virius, internet and hi-res graphics all on. I did though re-install the audio driver again at time of upgrade...so if you get problems again I would suggest you re-install your audio and keep your graphic down as 32MB gfx card is close to minimum spec. Anything?
  2. Hunter I have had my share of this game crashing, freezing, locking up etc., but have never seen my screen do what you show. I had 98 and a 32 meg radeon card and when I first started playing in 01 it ran great, than as time went on I had problems. I up-dated to XP pro, service pack 2 and had minor lock ups and a few freezes. I bought a 256 meg Radeon card and have no problems to report. XP didn't make my problems worse but better. Could this be a monitor related problem? Just throwing that out there. P.S. Also I noticed that when I up-dated my sound card drivers, SB Live. Alot of what I thought were graphic card problems got better.
  3. I must say I was a little disapointed when I opened the Decade case and found that EBFD was not one of the games on this DVD. Surprised me some, I just thought it would be included. Thank God I still have my original disks and that most of the freezing problems are solved now on XP. Oh ya it's nice seeing Tanya again. ;) Renegade plays well, no freezing. Haven't tried Generals yet, I'll let my son try that out first.
  4. So thats how you get your flag beside your nick, Place your pin. ;) See I do know how to use the search. ;D
  5. The "search" button did throw me for a loop. Most on-line sites I visit have the Search written beside a white "to be filled in" space. This site has it on the tool bar. Honest I do know how to use one if I come across it. :). Thanks for the link again and the offer to check out the on-line play. I might just get the courage up one of these days. I hate playing a blitz type of game (chess included). I like to build up a defensive position and than advance, so I've been staying away from the on-line stuff.
  6. Thanks Gobalopper, that link is exactly what I was looking for. That search function was hiding from me yesterday Re-erjinn999. I just couldn't seem to find it. ;) I know, I'm lazy. hehehe
  7. I'm pretty sure back in '01 the game came with a piece of cardboard with some hotkey commands, eg. left click unit and "G" key to set guard command. I for the life of me can not find a listing here as to all the hotkey commands. Any help would be welcome. Thanks in advance. :)
  8. It seems like the locking-up / freezing problem is getting better every time the game is started. Last night 3 hours of run time and not a freeze. Thank you Re-erjin999 for helping out, even though your from England. :D The 54 page thread on locking up was a great read as well. Heck I even went and voted at the EA site for the resurrection or sequel of EBFD. That makes 81% yes. Sorry Marduk I didn't come up with anything concrete for your system but than again it's been awhile since you checked into this post. ;)
  9. I did download and install the latest patch 1.09 I think it was from the ea/ww site. The patch didn't do a thing for me when I was running '98 but now that I've changed to XP Pro it seems like my locking up issues are not as frequent. All three house disks now play through a mission or two before they lock up. Last night the mouse would lock up on me solid but the game continued to play right along. It was time to get some rest anyway so I just turned off the pc. Ctrl, Alt, Dele.. wont close program when it locks up. I just finished reading that 54 page thread on locking up from 2001/02. Boy what a thread. I came away with a couple of ideas I'm going to try out tonight if I have time. But if someone has another bit of advice/ solution I'm all ears as is Marduk I'm sure.
  10. Thanks for the link. I've been busy with other stuff this weekend so I haven't tried it yet but I will when I get home. I'm in Canada by the way.
  11. Thanks Re-erjin999 ;D I'm not giving up though. I have moved my ranting to this thread. http://dune2k.com/forum/index.php?topic=17551.0 This person discribed what was happening with my system to a tee. Hope someone is able to correct his problem. Than maybe I'll be OK as well. 8)
  12. That was one of the first things I did. Turn down graphics, turn off shadows.. As well as exit firewall and AVG. This new pc has only the basics on it as far as what is on the hard drive. But what gets me; the symtoms are the same on two different systems. '98 and a Pentium 3 850 Mhz 512 133 RAM 40 gig HD. 7200 Radeaon 32mg vidio card and sound blaster audio card. Now a Pentium 4 1.2 Gig Mhz 512 333 RAM 200 Gig HD. Useing motherboard video and audio. Exact same conditions. Maybe it's the install disk? It looks great. Is their a test to tell if the install disk is Ok?
  13. I have the same situation Marduk. I had the problem with '98 and now I have it with xp pro service pack 2 on a different pc. The only constant between the 2 setups are the 4 disks. Oh ya and me. hehehe. I wish I could find the answer. Now I haven't as of yet installed any patches to the original install from the install disk so I may try that but from what I'm reading that probably wont solve this problem. ???
  14. Well after messing with the sound card drivers and video card drivers to no avail I am giving up and reformatting. Will probably change from '98 to xp pro. Thanks for the limited assistance.
  15. Ya you know take the instal disk out of rhe jewel case and put in pc to install game to hard drive. Thats what I meant by d/l'ed. Sorry if I wasn't clear on this.
  16. Hey nice site. I spent the day looking around the site and came upon a 10 page thread about the same problem. My PC used to run Battle for Dune without a hitch. Now no matter what I have tried it will run the disks but will randomly freeze/lock up to the point where I have to Ctrl, Alt, Delete., or pull the plug. The Harkonnen disk lets me play the longest, up to 2 missions before I have to restart. The Ordos freezes 30 seconds into the first mission. I have shut down my firewall and anti-virus programs, turned off shadows, lowered my graphics/ game speed/ mouse speed. Nothing so far helps. I went and bought a 512 stick of RAM but it didn't help. Now the thing I have noticed is, when I first d/l'ed the install disk way back when, it installed fairly fast (a couple of minutes) this was when I made it through the Atreides missions without a hitch. Later on after playing other games like Red Alert2 and Renegade I went back to Dune and it locked up so I just didn't play it. I have now re-installed it and read these forums and can not for the life of me find a fix for this freezing up. Any suggestions are welcome, I'm stuck. Man what a first post. Oh by the way I was surprised to find this site. EBFD is a great game.
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