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  1. I did however find these existing DUNE EMPEROR maps for free online. http://www.lonebullet.com/maps/g/emperor-battle-for-dune-maps-levels-906.htm
  2. I don't understand why i cannot download these maps(or files) for Emperor. I know im a sand flea but jeeesh.Lol !
  3. I first want to thank everyone for posting options for online play of emperor dune. I have tried 3 seperate sites for online play Hamachi,Tungle and now Gameranger.None of which have been playable.Gameranger got me to the upload page but when i picked 2 seperate factions like ix and fremen,it boots me. I really want to play online but this removing programs and deep networking is frustrating,E.A and Westwood did a great job on this game.Sad its so old that nobody is in the Westwood online rooms,except for newer productions. Also i got the map packs and map editor.The 8 player map is the only one even in skirmish that will let me use it. Can someone help get me in? Or explain the map problem? I haven't bothered with the map editor as i am reading the tutorial and don't want this to go south too. :afro:Adrian
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