Hi everyone, new here. I'm very happy to have found an active community of Emperor players, stupid EA. From what I get from reading these forums, I understand WOL is pretty much dead? I've set up XWIS and want to play more, I haven't played in a while so i'm pretty bad... Me and my brother want to play co-op together. I know LAN won't work, so we've tried playing together on XWIS. It doesn't matter who hosts, but one of us see the normal co-op set up screen, the other joins the game and sees a skirmish set up screen. The person who sees the skirmish set up also doesn't see anyone in the game. There is no option for the host to start the game or for the person who sees skirmish to acccept. We've tried /start from the host, but that just crashes the game... Can anyone help us with this problem?