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Everything posted by Scoote

  1. Xorlandakunare sat on the stool, his body aching as he did. He smiled softly, rubbing the scaled skin upon his chest. He looked at the table before him, a Holomap of the locations of All the Marnikaran assets where avalible. He smiled to himself, the nature of the Government was to allow freedom of any marnikaran to veiw this system, which lacked military instilations and secret bases, and ment the people where not unhappy with how the government was run. He smiled, that was in peace time, in war, such as the battle of earth a thousand years prior ((He scratched his back leg at the memory)). He laughed, standing as he moved to the far window. "Quitara," He said into a comunications device. "Would you be so kind as to bring me the files?" "Yes Fleet father" he heard a sullen reply. He smiled as he heard the heavy footfalls of the Marnikaran. He took the datapad from the boy and nodded for him to leave. When the boy did so, the pad was placed into a slot on the table. the map changed, revealing a number of reports that had been written. "Hm...interesting...the Animals where saved...their spreading" he laughed to himself, his eye twiching. "Their numbers are great...yet their invidual?" He laughed to himself. This was one of the most foolish things ever. He shrugged, looking at the other animals, there where many, he took the infomation in quickly, before removing the pad. "Complacency has allowed them to grow...we may once more begin the clean out. We can't have our gardens damaged..." he smiled to himself, then he laughed.
  2. YEa thats the one, now, as for it being brief, there are two reasons. 1) I wanted people to actually work on it from there, it give an idea of what you need to start and I figured that would be sufficient. 2) I had dinner to cook, that Stuff was REALLY GROSS! ((Meat is really GROSS!)) So yea, lets work from it, now, I must go, BED AND SUCH!
  3. Good Morning, Afternoon and night to you all. I am Scoote, new member, newly arrived. I was directed here by the one with CL in his name "CLameza" or something like that ((Sorry dude, your not online and I can't remember how to spell it)) anyways! Since this is my first Fic/RP/Whatever you want to call it, I am not expecting large number of replies, but it would at least be nice to get some welcome to the forums. ANYWAYZ! The story is thus. In about twelve years, earth is hit by a stunning turn of events. All satalites go offline misteriously, and many people start complaining. The governments of earth are trying to work out whats going on. Australia goes up in flames. Not small flames either, the continent has simply everything on its surfance burnt to ash. As the waters fill in the new part of their extent, this begins on various other sections of the planet. Africa and South america are both reduced to cinders. Governments of corse begin firing their weapons blindly, hoping to hit something, and a flash in the sky that illuminates the whole world. In space, right above their heads, is the Marnikaran Planetoid Craft Mainia. The remaining world watchs ((Rather blindly, since they have precious little to see with)) as flash after flash illumniates the sky. Humanity watches as the massive war craft is slowly worn down by invisable forces ((Enter the saviour fleet)) and eventually simply breaks up and begins to fall apart in the atmosphere. The fleet in orbit send down a transmission in English ((How do they speak that?!))telling the humans the earth needs to be evacuated. Now, humans are all taken up without a choice, and shipped off to a world very similar to earth ((In fact, its an exact replica...what is going on here?)) Anyway, humans are taught all about galatic polotics and such, given the technology to get FTL and then the people that save them just bugger off. Humanity sorta takes stock, then we start expanding quite quickly. Fast foward about...A thousand years. There are hundreds of human empires, streching form Single systems to Controling More then Eight hundred worlds. They are joining the other races of the galaxy as a power ((Rather, they ARE a power, and a fairly large one at that)). Now, there are many other races as well, this is where we step in. You may take control of one of the human Empires, or the ALien ones. Your fleets will not consist of millions, but you should generally be able to get a fair number of craft. Now, this will be free form, you can choose how much you start off with ((Keep it reasonable though, not everyone will have a massive number of worlds)) and keep production reasoable. Now, please state your race, Number of worlds and info, such as I will now. The Marnikara: The Marnikarans are a race of largely built Tripedals. They evolved on the world Narithus, and stand three meters tall. their bodies are very reptilian, and their inner bodies produce an array of advantages in fitness. Their hearing is worse then a human, and their society can generally be to loud for humans to bear. The MArnikarans do not have worlds as such. They have two major living spaces. Orbitals and World ships. Orbitals are massive rings that produce their own gravity, via the spin they have. they are built with a direction TOWARDS the systems Star, and the rotation of the Orbital will give the entire thing nessersary light. The second MAjor Living space is the World ships. These craft are massive, and are built inside the rings of the Orbitals. They move around, a living space and under neath that massive factories and staging areas. This is the might of the Marnikara, their ships are generally smaller, cheaper and easy to produce, thus they may fight superior enemies, but at a ratio per battle of Ten to one. Numbers Orbitals with more then One trillion: 13 Oribtals with more then One Billion: 44 Oribtals with less then One Billion: 134 World ships with more then ONe Billion: 20 World ships with Less then one Billion: 152 World ships with Aproximatly One million: 1049
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