Hi People. I've read most of the topics here, but I didn't encounter exactly the same problem I've got. I Installed the game (using the fix) and updated to v. 1.09 (after 1.04 just didn't work). Now I can launch the game, it starts properly. I select "Single Player" -> "Campaign" -> HOUSE. No matter what house I select: My game freezes when I'm moving mouse when mentat talks. So: Mission loads, mentat talks (I don't do anything, else it freezes), Mentat stops talking, I can play, Mentat says: "New units arrived" and when I'm still moving the mouse while he says it, the game locks up. My computer doesn't react to CTRL+ALT+DEL or AL+F4 or anything else. I can only reboot. Sound (music) continues (Mentat stops half-way a sentence), but screen freezes. It's not my System Config (c.q. Hardware). I'm using windows XP SP2 PRO without NAV or anything like it. Game can't be played this way... Plz. Help. (P.S. Problem is right like this, plz. forgive spelling / grammar-mistakes, half-drunk while writing :D)