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Everything posted by hughtrain

  1. ok i found this, thanks to Timenn for posting it it was located in the sub forum here Buildings Construction Yard: Experience Score = 4 Windtrap: Experience Score = 2 Barracks: Experience Score = 3 Wall: No Experience Score Refinery: Experience Score = 4 Factory: Experience Score = 4 Outpost: Experience Score = 3 Hangar: Experience Score = 4 Helipad: Experience Score = 2 Starport: Experience Score = 4 Palace: Experience Score = 4 All Turrets: Experience Score = 3 All Subhouse buildings: Experience Score = 3 Units Harvester: Experience Score = 4 MCV: Experience Score = 4 Carryall: Experience Score = 3 Atreides Atreides Scout: Experience Score = 1 Atreides Light Infantry: Experience Score = 2 Level 1: Score required = 5 Total Health = 800 (was 600) Extra Damage Dealt = 50% Level 2: Score required = 10 Self Repair = 1/tick Level 3: Score required = 20 Extra Armor = 50% Able to return to Barracks Atreides Sniper: Experience Score = 2: Level 1: Score Required = 4 Extra Armor = 50% Level 2: Score Required = 12 Self Repair = 1/tick Level 3: Score Required = 30 Stealthed When Standing Still Able to return to Barracks Atreides Engineer: Experience Score = 2 Atreides Kindjal Infantry: Experience Score = 2 Level 1: Score Required = 2 Total Health = 800 (was 600) Extra Damage Dealt = 50% Level 2: Score Required = 10 Self Repair = 1/tick Level 3: Score Required = 20 Extra Damage Dealt = 100 % Able to return to Barracks REMOVED - Weapon Range Increase = 50% {too bad they left that one out...} Atreides Sand Trike: Experience Score = 2 Level 1: Score Required = 8 Extra Armor = 50% Level 2: Score Required = 20 Speed = 20.0 (was 12.0) Level 3: Score Required = 40 Extra Damage Dealt = 50% Weapon Range Increase = 50% Atreides Mongoose: Experience Score = 3 Level 1: Score Required = 10 Extra Damage Dealt = 50% Extra Armor = 50% Level 2: Score Required = 24 Weapon Range Increase = 50% Level 3: Score Required = 48 Extra Damage Dealt = 75% Atreides APC: Experience Score = 3 Level 1: Score Required = 8 Extra Armor = 50% Level 2: Score Required = 20 Speed = 12.0 (was 8.0) Level 3: Score Required = 40 Extra Armor = 75% Atreides Repair Vehicle: Experience Score = 3 Atreides Minotaurus: Experience Score = 4 Level 1: Score Required = 10 Extra Armor = 50% Extra Damage Dealt = 50% Level 2: Score Required = 24 Extra Armor = 75% Level 3: Score Required = 48 Extra Damage Dealt = 75% Atreides Sonic Tank: Experience Score = 4 Level 1: Score Required = 13 Extra Damage Dealt = 50% Level 2: Score Required = 30 Extra Armor = 50% Level 3: Score Required = 60 Extra Damage Dealt = 25% Weapon Range Increase = 50% Atreides Airdrone: Experience Score = 2 Level 1: Score Required = 10 Extra Damage Dealt = 25% Extra Armor = 50% Level 2: Score Required = 24 Weapon Range Increase = 50% Level 3: Score Required = 48 Extra Damage Dealt = 50% Atreides Ornithopter: Experience Score = 3 Level 1: Score Required = 10 Extra Damage Dealt = 25% Level 2: Score Required = 24 Speed = 30 (was 20) Level 3: Score Required = 48 Extra Damage Dealt = 50% Extra Armor = 50% Atreides Advanced Carryall: Experience Score = 3 Harkonnen Harkonnen Scout: Experience Score = 1 Harkonnen Light Infantry: Experience Score = 2 Level 1: Score Required = 3 Extra Damage Dealt = 25% Level 2: Score Required = 10 Self Repair = 1/tick Level 3: Score Required = 20 Extra Damage Dealt = 50% Extra Armor = 50% Harkonnen Trooper: Experience Score = 2 Level 1: Score Required = 4 Extra Damage Dealt = 25% Level 2: Score Required = 10 Self Repair = 1/tick Level 3: Score Required = 20 Extra Damage Dealt = 50% Extra Armor = 50% Harkonnen Engineer: Experience Score = 2 Level 1: Score Required = 2 Extra Armor = 25% Level 2: Score Required = 6 Extra Armor = 50% Level 3: Score Required = 12 Extra Armor = 75% Harkonnen Flame Infantry: Experience Score = 2 Level 1: Score Required = 4 Extra Damage Dealt = 25% Level 2: Score Required = 10 Self Repair = 1/tick Level 3: Score Required = 20 Extra Damage Dealt = 50% Extra Armor = 50% Harkonnen Buzzsaw: Experience Score = 2 Level 1: Score Required = 8 Speed = 12.0 (was 8.0) Level 2: Score Required = 20 Self Repair = 1/tick Level 3: Score Required = 40 Extra Damage Dealt = 50% Extra Armor = 50% Harkonnen Assault Tank: Experience Score = 4 Level 1: Score Required = 10 Extra Damage Dealt = 25% Level 2: Score Required = 24 Self Repair = 1/tick Level 3: Score Required = 48 Extra Damage Dealt = 50% Extra Armor = 50% Harkonnen Flame Tank: Experience Score = 3 Level 1: Score Required = 10 Extra Damage Dealt = 25% Level 2: Score Required = 24 Self Repair = 1/tick Level 3: Score Required = 48 Extra Damage Dealt = 50% Extra Armor = 50% Harkonnen Inkvine Catapult: Experience Score = 3 Level 1: Score Required = 10 Extra Damage Dealt = 25% Level 2: Score Required = 24 Self Repair = 1/tick Level 3: Score Required = 48 Extra Damage Dealt = 50% Extra Armor = 50% Harkonnen Missile Tank: Experience Score = 3 Level 1: Score Required = 10 Extra Damage Dealt = 25% Level 2: Score Required = 24 Self Repair = 1/tick Level 3: Score Required = 48 Extra Damage Dealt = 50% Extra Armor = 50% Harkonnen Devastator: Experience Score = 4 Level 1: Score Required = 13 Extra Damage Dealt = 25% Level 2: Score Required = 30 Self Repair = 1/tick Level 3: Score Required = 60 Extra Damage Dealt = 50% Extra Armor = 50% Harkonnen Air Defense Platform: Experience Score = 2 Level 1: Score Required = 10 Extra Damage Dealt = 25% {Westwood/IG had considered adding a new turret here = more firepower} Level 2: Score Required = 24 Self Repair = 1/tick Level 3: Score Required = 48 Extra Damage Dealt = 50% Extra Armor = 50% Harkonnen Gunship: Experience Score = 3 Level 1: Score Required = 10 Extra Damage Dealt = 25% {Westwood/IG had considered adding a new turret here = more ammo to carry} Level 2: Score Required = 24 Self Repair = 1/tick Level 3: Score Required = 48 Extra Damage Dealt = 50% Extra Armor = 50% Harkonnen Advanced Carryall: Experience Score = 3 Ordos Ordos Scout: Experience Score = 1 Ordos Chemical Infantry: Experience Score = 2 Level 1: Score Required = 3 Self Repair = 1/tick Level 2: Score Required = 10 Extra Armor = 50% Level 3: Score Required = 20 Extra Damage Dealt = 50% Ordos AA Trooper: Experience Score = 2 Level 1: Score Required = 4 Self Repair = 1/tick Level 2: Score Required = 10 Extra Armor = 50% Level 3: Score Required = 20 Extra Damage Dealt = 50% Ordos Engineer: Experience Score = 2 Ordos Mortar Infantry: Experience Score = 2 Level 1: Score Required = 4 Self Repair = 1/tick Level 2: Score Required = 10 Extra Armor = 50% Level 3: Score Required = 20 Extra Damage Dealt = 50% Ordos Saboteur: Experience Score = 2 Ordos Dust Scout: Experience Score = 2 Level 1: Score Required = 8 Extra Armor = 50% Level 2: Score Required = 20 Extra Armor = 75% Level 3: Score Required = 40 Extra Damage Dealt = 50% Weapon Range Increased = 50% Ordos Laser Tank: Experience Score = 3 Level 1: Score Required = 10 Extra Armor = 50% Level 2: Score Required = 24 Weapon Range Increase = 50% Level 3: Score Required = 48 Extra Damage Dealt = 50% Ordos APC: Experience Score = 3 Level 1: Score Required = 8 Extra Armor = 50% Level 2: Score Required = 20 Speed = 20.0 (was 10.0) Level 3: Score Required = 40 Extra Armor = 75% Ordos Kobra: Experience Score = 4 Level 1: Score Required = 13 Extra Armor = 50% Level 2: Score Required = 30 Extra Damage Dealt = 50% Level 3: Score Required = 60 Speed = 12.0 (was 5.0) Extra Damage Dealt = 75% Ordos Deviator: Experience Score = 4 Level 1: Score Required = 10 {gets points for succesfully converting units} Extra Armor = 50% Level 2: Score Required = 24 ExtraRange = 25% Level 3: Score Required = 48 Extra Armor = 75% Ordos AA Mine: Experience Score = 2 {Only when you destroy the mine, without activating the detonating mechanism} Ordos Eye In The Sky: Experience Score = 3 Ordos Advanced Carryall: Experience Score = 3 Subhouses {Hmm, you don't seem to get experience points for killing Subhouse units} Fremen Warrior: Level 1: Score Required = 4 Extra Damage Dealt = 50% Level 2: Score Required = 14 Extra Armor = 50% Level 3: Score Required = 28 Self Repair = 1/tick Fremen Fedaykin: Level 1: Score Required = 4 Extra Damage Dealt = 50% Level 2: Score Required = 14 Extra Armor = 50% Level 3: Score Required = 28 Self Repair = 1/tick Imperial Sardaukar: Level 1: Score Required = 6 Extra Damage Dealt = 50% Level 2: Score Required = 16 Extra Armor = 50% Level 3: Score Required = 32 Self Repair = 1/tick Imperial Sardaukar Elite: Level 1: Score Required = 6 Extra Damage Dealt = 50% Level 2: Score Required = 16 Extra Armor = 50% Level 3: Score Required = 32 Self Repair = 1/tick Ixian Projector: Level 1: Score Required = 4 {Try to kill units with that crappy weapon } Extra Damage Dealt = 50% Level 2: Score Required = 8 Extra Armor = 50% Level 3: Score Required = 16 Self Repair = 1/tick {Useless, the Ixian Projector already has Self Healing 1/tick} Ixian Infiltrator: Can't get veterancy through combat {duh... } Tleilaxu Contaminator: Level 1: Score Required = 4 Extra Armor = 25% Level 2: Score Required = 10 Extra Armor = 50% Level 3: Score Required = 20 Extra Armor = 75% Tleilaxu Leech: Level 1: Score Required = 4 {Unit gets points for succesfully infecting units) Extra Damage Dealt = 50% {The Tleilaxu Leech does also some damage, beside infecting units, this damage has been increased} Level 2: Score Required = 8 Extra Armor = 50% Level 3: Score Required = 16 Self Repair = 1/tick {Useless, the Tleilaxu Leech already has Self Healing 1/tick} Guild NIAB Tank: {For all who think this unit was overpowered, here is WW/IG's comment: "this unit needs to be spectacular!!!!!!!!"} Level 1: Score Required = 18 Extra Damage Dealt = 50% Level 2: Score Required = 20 Extra Armor = 50% Level 3: Score Required = 40 Self Repair = 1/tick {Useless, the Guild NIAB Tank already has Self Healing 1/tick} Guild Maker: Level 1: Score Required = 6 Extra Damage Dealt = 50% Level 2: Score Required = 16 Extra Armor = 50% Level 3: Score Required = 32 Self Repair = 1/tick {Useless, the Guild Maker already has Self Healing 1/tick} Special {Following data might explain why hitting worms gives so much experience} "SurfaceWorm": HitExperience Score = 1 "BigWorm": HitExperience Score = 2 "SmallWorm": HitExperience Score = 1 Some clarifications: "Experience Score" = How much experience you get for killing that unit "Score Required" = Experience points required for advancing a level "Extra Damage Dealt" = Applies to all weapons, I guess percentages are cumilative (50% extra + 50% extra = 125% extra) "Weapon Range Increase = Applies to all weapons (not the knife) "Extra Armor" = That is the extra damage reduction "Able to return to Barracks" = Able to return to the Atreides Barracks to upgrade your troops newly built. Text between '{' and '}' are my comments.
  2. probably a stupid question, maybe covered somewhere else, but does anyone know the actual promotion process? what i mean is, how many units do i have to kill to advance to the next level?
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