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  1. hehe, ok. Thanks
  2. Hi, I heard about the ai and mini mod on here, but when i clicked the link to download them, the website says there is some sort of error. Does anyone know where I can get these mods? I'm desperate here. I appreciate any help.
  3. Hi, i just got the game today and I love it. Looking forward to playing with everyone. My msn messenger is bikerfreak172@hotmail.com . EDIT: My ingame name is Pilan
  4. I saw that website, and I see the people that it says are online. my problem is that when i log on through XWISC, like advised, no one is playing the game. I just checked right now and it shows absolutely no one online, while that website you linked shows that people are playing. I'm so confused. Can anybody tell me what's going on?
  5. Hello. I bought Emperor off of ebay a few days ago and just got it in the mail today. I love the game, but the online would'nt work for me. It said it was a bad password. (I updated to version 1.09) I came here and found out i need the XWISC program to play online. I downloaded it and it now lets me log online into the lobby. But there is not a soul there at all. From the looks of this website and forum, however, it looks like that game would at least have somebody on there. Is there something i'm missing here, something else i've got to do to play with you guys? Or is it just that no one plays the game online anymore?
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