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Shadow Knight

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    Every shadow! ;-)
  1. I would simply notify that we (Game Italian Translation) are going to insert subtitles on Emperor's movies. It's an internal project and we'll try to insert italian and english subtitles (ita before all, and eng after we'll complete this first step). Maybe someone could find them useful. Anyway, this work will need lot of time (there's a lot of movies) so it won't be fast, but I will be back with more news in a future.
  2. Hi all, I'm the founder of Game Italian Translation (www.multiplayer.it/git), an italian group of videogame's translation (even older games). We are now working on Emperor: Battle for Dune and we would like to insert subtitles on the movies (in italian and english language). We think we could do it, but we need and help from someone that understand very well spoken-english. In other words, we are searching for someone to make an english dialog's transcription. In this way we could try to insert italian and english subtitles. Someone think that could help us? :)
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