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Laezer Fox

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  1. I fixed the problem and edited the txt files accordingly, but I still can't play with the IMtank and IMAPC. Am I missing something?
  2. I don't know why, but those changes crashed my game.
  3. I was working with the editing and I don't particularly like the programs this site has to offer, but I tried them anyway. Whether it be with program or by manually rewriting the rules file I cannot, for the life of me, figure out how to bring the Sardaukar tank into the game as a playable unit. For reference this unit's name in the file is IMTank. Help would also be appreciated for bringing the IMAPC and IMdropship into play aswell. I figure there's some sort of variable I'm missing, but can't find it. Thanks in advance.
  4. I did everything in the step-by-step guide and it didn't work. It keeps saying "Cannot open file"
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