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Everything posted by N3cro_Manc3r

  1. Thnx, i will look it up. And andrew, sorry didnt know about the downloading.
  2. Hey u Dune a holics! I have a question: when i was searching dune2k i saw some info about the dune miniseries. I live in the Netherlands and i never knew about these series, they look very cool! The site says that they have a complete section for the first series; does this mean i can download the first episodes on this site somewhere? (maybe a n00b question) Further more can i get some exact info about the number of parts of the (2?) series because i may have some parts to download on an illegal base. Maybe there has been another topic on this but i couldnt find so if there is: sorry about making a new one. Thnx you guys.
  3. Hmmm i tried a game with doompower but then it also went wrong, so playing 1 vs 1 wont solve the prob :(
  4. The connection between the modem/router and my receiver is lost, and i dont have a firewall.
  5. Hi, i play much emp online but everytime a match is over my inet connection just stops. I have a wireless modem/router and an adsl connection. I have reinstalled the game but it didnt have any effect. This is very anoying because i have to walk downstairs to push the modem off and then on so i have connection again. Cn anyone help me? ???
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