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  1. ok, I got XWis Connection, Is Xwis used more than Westwoods Main Servers now? Xwis says it disconnects once I hit Chat in the Custom Game window. This is very odd.
  2. umm, I just tried getting on internet and had a bad password error. I tried my old account and one that I have that is active on RA2. Anyone know whats wrong?
  3. Hey guys, It's been almost 2 years since I've played Emperor. And yet I still love the game and want to get back into it. The only sad thing I found about the game is that there were never many online games. I wish the game was accepted by the public more than it was. I believe it to be one of Westwoods Greatest RTS games. RedAlert 2 probably gets most of the hype because of how easy a newb can get into it. What I like about Emperor is its large amount of Strategy and the world in which it is played. So You may see me online as either chronom1 or ordosleader. And I know Im gonna be rusty lol :-D
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