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  1. Well I just uninstalled it and re-installed it and it didnt even try to go online this time. Now I am scratching my head. I know I am not alone because when I googled looking for info on how to get around it, a lot of people were complaining of the same thing. Well, here is my Launcher cfg. if anybody wants to look at it. # comment # RUN = the game to launch RUN = . Dune2000.dat # # Sku's to check for patches # SKU1 = 3584 SOFTWAREWestwoodDune 2000 SKU2 = 32512 SOFTWAREWestwoodWOLAPI
  2. No, I am not talking about registering to play online. I am talking about just getting the game to run on your computer at all. There was no option to register later. :)
  3. I thought I would put this up because there will probably be more people running into this shortly. The servers to register your copy of Dune 2000 are gone it appears. The game will not run unless you are registered. It will just keep trying to register over and over. I just moved over to WinXP and thought I would re-install my copy of Dune 2000 for old times sake. You need to go to your control panel. Then to network connections. Double click on Local Area Connection. Hit disable. Then close it. You modem light should go dead as the ethernet card is off. Reboot the computer and re-install your Dune 2000. Then re-enable your LAN. Thats how I got mine to re-install and work. Everyone who is already installed will work until you uninstall it. Then the fun begins. I would say to back up the folder your Dune 2000 is installed into. And then overwrite your Dune 2000 folder with it after you re-install. Thats a guess. I hope this helps people who unistall the game and then try to re-install the game now that the registration servers are gone.
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