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Lord Noturno

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Everything posted by Lord Noturno

  1. one step after the other... soon we'll play with you all. We are just waiting our ADSL, 'cause phone calls here in my coutry are too expen$ive to play via dial-up! Thanks a lot for your attention!!! ... and hope to see you soon!!!
  2. I've just got this game from my uncle (without anything: no box, no manual... just the CD's)and I loved to play it alone, but now I'm trying to play it in my LAN... and I can't team up. My question is: how can I team up (ally) with my brother (at the other computer) to play together agaisnt the AI? I think it's a simple question, but I really do not know how to do this. Sorry, but I could not find this answer anywhere. Please, help me!
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