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Everything posted by HellHounD

  1. I have 1.09. I couldn't do it with Kindjal. I'll have to try it with level 3 sniper. Now where does one get that one? Oh yeah, right, the battlefield... Cheers
  2. BTW, how do you order veteran atreides units to enter the barracks. I select a level 3 kidjal, then click on barracks, nothing happens? :-[
  3. lol, honestly, man, it's 2005, I have P4 3.4, 1 Gb of 3200, and a FX5900XT. Game runs like butter with all high on 1280x1024...
  4. First of all, I just got this game. I always knew I should have it, never could find one. Finally I find it in my local RadioShack (who knew?). Well, I loaded it up and got playing. Note that I'm not a newbie to Arrakis, I've commanded forces in Dune II, 2000, and finally Emperor, as well as watched all movies, the series and read most of the books. Yup, I'm a Dune fan. First of all, I've seen the game before, and I've also played the original C&C games (I HATE the GENERALS, that abomination of RTS). I'm amazed by the quality of the Emperor. The music, videos and graphics are top notch. Watching videos is like watching a movie. I have to bow to Westwood. They really dug into the Dune universe and all characters, names and story is something that could be written by Herbert himself. Gameplay is cool. I like the unit design, it's new and yet quite resembling of the original games. What i didn't like, is how Ordos are portrayed. I know they are not the original house, but yet they are portraid way too greedy and carelsess. Perhaps it's just me. I've only completed the Atreides campaign. It's been quite interesting. They are easily completed by amassing a large quantity of units of the type most suitable. The only thing i HATED is the last mission. The emperor worm one. It took me 4 days, 8 hours in each day, to figure out the way to complete the mission. It's nearly impossible. YOur original building area is way too small, and you never have enough money for everything. I tried every know trick. Ornitopter rush (15+) failed miserably, didn't ever scratch the Worm. Mongooose Rush
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