Alright So I Started makeing my new mod for the ordos by editing the rules.ini by hand, since none of the editors are currently that advanced yet, and I kept stumbling into an annoying problem. Everytime I tried to make a diffrent building buildable (like the spotlight, house=incidental) the changes wouldnt take effect! I mean, I changed the parameters, like the spotlight, changed the ownership "House = Incidental" to "House = Ordos" and primarybuilding [inserted, none was available by default] = OrConYard. Yet the damn building wont show up in the game! Anything required thats missing? [by default that is] I seem to notice the original buildings [windtraps, barracks, etc] have a parameter which says "Group = lawindtrap" (for the windtrap) or some type of line like that. dont know what it does though.......why the hell aint it workin......%@&$!!!