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  1. Yea its true. Its really a pain in the ass modding emperor, my biggest problem is making units/buildings buildable. [yea u can BET I edit this thing by hand and its really tiring] Anyways anyone know of an advanced editor out there that edits tech levels, unit/building specs and all those other options required to make a mod?? I know of some like duneedit and the thing their makin over at tibeed but their too standard and only edit very small portions of the game.........
  2. Any tutorials on how to edit the e:bfd rules file? and, also, what those rfh files do
  3. Alright So I Started makeing my new mod for the ordos by editing the rules.ini by hand, since none of the editors are currently that advanced yet, and I kept stumbling into an annoying problem. Everytime I tried to make a diffrent building buildable (like the spotlight, house=incidental) the changes wouldnt take effect! I mean, I changed the parameters, like the spotlight, changed the ownership "House = Incidental" to "House = Ordos" and primarybuilding [inserted, none was available by default] = OrConYard. Yet the damn building wont show up in the game! Anything required thats missing? [by default that is] I seem to notice the original buildings [windtraps, barracks, etc] have a parameter which says "Group = lawindtrap" (for the windtrap) or some type of line like that. dont know what it does though.......why the hell aint it workin......%@&$!!!
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