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Rising Sun

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  1. hi, yes, just reinstalled it again, but nothing helps. same as with that weird Dune Emperor prob. Somehow I don't know what's wrong here :(
  2. see attachment[attachment archived by Gobalopper]
  3. back again, with the screenies ;) well, now I got DX9.0b again, FH Dune can start, no sound error comes up Dune emperor is like written above some how weird, and FH dune is weird the whole time already, concerning graphics. The first to (as seen) is emperor with the prob, then following 3 FH Dune screenies. already the start intro is bad, and later the complete game is like on the 3rd screenie. That red on the left side only turned up in that particular level, the background isn't nice at all, looks like graphic errors. I got the nVidia Detonator 66.00 Beta, but it is exactly the same with the official whql certified detonator 61.77. anybody got some ideas? btw: it's not the actual topic anymore, shall I start a new thread, or can an admin rename it? thx[attachment archived by Gobalopper]
  4. hi the omega drivers are too "old". I need a 6x.xx detonator driver for Doom III, with older drivers Doom III is unplayable :( I found a directX deinstall tool, so I'll deinstall dx9.0c, install dx9.0b and overwrite the 9.0b dsound.dll with the 9.0c one ;) just to try, hope it'll function :)
  5. well then, I've installed DirectX 9.0c The DSOUND.dll is also new version now, and FH's Dune works now :) BUT, after installing DirectX 9.0c, Dune Emperor is fucked up o_O. So I've deinstalled it, and reinstalled it, updating on 1.09, but it's still fucked up :( After the intro has been shown, I'm in the main menu. The button text just shows 2 letters, the letters of the main menu if I click on a button, I come to the next window, and the buttons there shows the name (the first letters) of that menu, more not. all buttons. I'll try to make a screenshot tomorrow, so you can see, what I mean ;) Any idea in the mean time someone?
  6. Hi there, thx ;) I've got directx 9.0b, and from 9.0c I only heard negative stuff until now. Don't know how a registry error can cause a dll error, but on the other hand, it's windows ;) I'll try updating to 9.0c tonight, and look if it helps :)
  7. got the nVidia Detonator 61.77 official driver on, and the latest SB Live! driver haven't got an AV on, recently deinstalled it for Dune Emperor
  8. Hi there, I've already used the search function and checked in internet via google for a solution, but I didn't find anything for following problem. I've just installed FH's Dune, and as I want to start it, I straight get an error message: "Die Ordnungszahl 11 wurde in der DLL "DSOUND.dll" nicht gefunden." Translated something like: "The ordinal number 11 was not found in the DLL "DSOUND.dll"." It's annoying, as I want to play it of course ;) My System: AMD Athlon XP 2800+ 2 x 512 MB Infineon RAM 2 x 120 GB IBM HDD Creative Labs SB Live! 5.1 GeForce FX 5600 dxdiag: ------------------ System Information ------------------ Time of this report: 9/8/2004, 04:05:08 Machine name: BLOODRAYNE Operating System: Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional (5.0, Build 2195) Service Pack 4, RC 3.154 Language: German (Gebietsschema: German) Processor: AMD Athlon XP 2800+, MMX, 3DNow, 2083MHz Memory: 1024MB RAM Page File: 465MB verwendet, 2506MB verf
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