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  1. -Thanks , I didn't knew the encyclopedia was released before "The heretics of Dune" that explains lot of things 8) about the Harkonnen symbol but not why he choosed the griffin symbol after it :( -About Mentats I didn't said they hated women, I said they don't like the sisters of the bene-gesserit for political reasons(Mentats are advisors as well as bene-gesserits are),I though have never seen any women Mentats in all the books rather men,and the fact that bene-gesserit is only composed of women it would be logical (as the Mentats and the bene-gesserits are kind of nemesis) that there would be only men in the Mentat order. (Bene-gesserits would be happiest without the Mentats and the Mentats happiest without the Bene-Gesserits(for Bene-gesserit secret objective is to aquire more political power,Mentats avoid them to gain it in a kind of way)) ;D -The guild logo is probably made from scratch,I remember about the infinity symbol but nothing about the three circled outlined. :-
  2. Yes, it's sad they change the original story to create a game, still cool but they change it :'( In the post of the Influences of Dune , I'm also speaking of the error to see a woman mentat for the Ordos since there are only men in Mentats and only women in Bene-Gesserit who dislike each other. Yes,I remember now for the original symbol of house Harkonnen it's the Griffin !!! The falcon for the Atreides and the 2 bones in cross with Ivy for the Ordos. But in the dune Encyclopedia , it's the RAM for the Harkonnen, so why do they change it there as well ? The Ram is a pretty cool representation for the Harkonnen. Maybe they changed because there already was a bird (the Falcon) for the Atreides, well the griffin is not really a bird but it's a kind of bird. And maybe they didn't wanted anything similar for the houses ??? When you look in the Encyclopedia all the symbols are really distincts !!! An other question come to me now ... why the snake around the book for house Wallach and the bones for the Ordos ? And why first the griffin for the Harkonnen ? The lion for the emperor is really normal and well chosen, Lion is the king and noble who suits perfectly well to the Corrino. But haven't seen yet any symbol for the guild (they are travellers so the three planets is quite well chosen), but for the Tleilaxu ? (what is the symbol in the game ?) and fremen (strange symbol as well in the game a kind of stone pillar I think(reason ?))
  3. Yes the World War II must have been of a big influence for Franck Herbert, while reading the books I couldn't stop thinking about the World War II and all it's similitud. For me Dune is the WW II but with an epic dimension of dream (the spice,the technology, the sandworms,...),it's a WW II but that happened in a better way than the original 60 years ago. The Harkonnen are like the Germans in WW II and the jewish are the fremens for me. (the Harkonnen wants the total destruction of fremen right after they won on Atreides) The house Atreides is like the Americans in many points. The bible must have been really an inspiration as well for they talk a lot about God (who's very present) and Paul has many things in common with Jesus, at a moment he says that he's the right arm of God,isn't it ? For the novel of Isaak Assimov it must have been a kind of inspiration, for in the novel of Assimov they've created thinking machines who must respect laws to avoid hurting an Human, but Franck Herbert took the contrary of it and created a world without any thinking machines (they were destroyed in the buttlerian Jihad), So the world of Dune is kind of less evoluted as ours,computers are forbidden and that's why the Mentats were created only men in the Mentats (an error we can discuss in Emperor Battle for Dune, the Ordos Mentat Roma Atani is a woman) And the opposite of the Mentats, the Bene-Gesserit, women religious Order. (Mentats and Sisters of the Bene-Gesserit dislike each other, Bene-Gesserit want to secretly access to the political power giving advise (they are very close of the emperor,seeking to control him) and the Mentats were created to give advise as well, that's why they could never live with each other) We could talk about it for hours as well as the SUK and the BENE-TLEILAX, BENE-TLEILAX and Mentats, BENE-TLEILAX and the Ixians (Do they come all from an inspiration of an other novel or just the imagination of Franck Herbert ???) Well, the world of Dune is really great and enourmous and also very complicated (not as simple as all the science fictions novel such as star wars(who's great though) or whatever) For all this I can be wrong but that's what I think, hey it's a forum after all ;D 8) :D
  4. The influence were Greek , you know the house Atreides who's in direct relation with the atreide and Aghamemnon (ouuuuch sorry for the spelling) So you will find a lot of things about it if you seek in greek mythology. I never saw anything on the sandworm but I think Franck Herbert simply took a book about the desert and it's population (since I'm a fan of desert) and there's a snake who act exactly like the sandworm in Dune , the snakes can feel the vibrations of the ground since they have a really bad view, and when they found where their prey are they attack, and they can stay hidden in the sand like this for hours. Well, maybe I'm wrong about it but for me it seems a quite plausible answer to the origin of the sandworm. I hope I helped you a bit
  5. Yes, I looked at the main page but I find that the answer isn't really finished ! That's why I wanted to talk about it here. :D For the house Harkonnen it's an Hawk I think and the Falcon for the Atreides , even if the Dune Encyclopedia they represent the house Harkonnen with a ram (symbol used in all the games). Maybe can we discuss about the Ram/Hawk as well here. ;D Well, it's true they represent quite well the "mentality" of the house but why haven't kept the original symbols in the games ? They are maybe less talkative but still cool I think. 8) Already a big thanks to all poeple who began to answered my post ;) Cya all.
  6. Hi everybody , I'm new , I just discovered this wonderful beeing a big fan of Dune books and games this site is like a dream for me,finding so much things on the best universe that ever existed and my God : Franck Herbert ;D :D ;) Well, after this small introduction let's talk of the subject. I just have read the message about the introduction of the house Ordos in the game and so a new question harass me : I wanted to ask about the wrong symbols, I have the Dune Encyclopedia , haven't had the time to fully read it yet but it will come :P And when you look at the description of all the Noble House of the Landsraad you see that the symbol of the sable on a pale (a vertical band) argent,a closed book tenn
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