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Everything posted by theoldduke

  1. As you all can see, my screen name is The Old Duke. Ever since I heard that name, I thought it was the coolest and I wanted to use it. So for the last two years I have been The Old Duke or theoldduke or other variations). I said all that to say all this. Who exactly is the Old Duke? In House Atreides (I think that was the one), they refer to Paulus (please forgive my spelling) as the Old Duke. Yet in Heretics of Dune, when Teg brings back Duncan's pre-ghola memories, Duncam calls him Leto, referring to Leto I. Later in Heretics, Teg gives Duncan an order, and the quote goes as follow: Teg "This is a battle order! I am your commander!"... Duncan saw only the face of the Old Duke telling him to obey. Several times in the book, reference is made to Teg looking so much like Leto I. So, if you go by House Atreides, Paulus is the Old Duke. But if you go by Heretics, then it was Leto I. Does anyone know who the real Old Duke is? (Sorry this post was so long, by the way.)
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