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Everything posted by Brian.Atreides

  1. Hi new Here, funny you should mention this idea of a Riskbased dune game.. becouse me and my palls made on about 5 years ago, for armies we used models from the old GW game "Epic 40000" works nice when you paint them in different schemes.. We modified the rules for this game too, so that i wouldnt be to much like risk.. becouse the armies of Atreides, Harkonnen, "ordos" Sardukar, and fremen etc. etc are so different we made up our own rules. we are all veterans of warhammer games... also becouse the whole idea of the game would be the control of the spice, we also made up a political, diplomatic system that would make it even more fun to play, like having other houses of the landsraad help you by sending reinforcements, and having the sardukar shifting sides.. well what i want to have said is that i can try to get our "old" stuff sent to whom ever wants them.. you might even wnt to change some of it to work even better.. // Brian
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