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  1. hello I already asked this in the general discussion - game topic but they directed me here. I was thinking of creating an online multyplayer version of dune2 in flash. Its just a thought. Since Im not that good a coder it would be not to fancy. I was thinking of smaller maps and fewer units. Like the first 3 levels of dune2 so it would be fast and fun 1 on 1 gaming online. Does anyone like this idea? Or would it be a waste of time. greetingz, Zaminzar
  2. Zaminzar

    online game

    Hello there Im sort of new to this forum but I already knew of this site's existence for a long time. The reason I joined here is because of curiousity. Im a computer hobyist. I like to make silly little games for websites and stuff. Now im also a fan of the Dune universe, books, movies and of course the games. One of my favourite "old games" I still play is dune 2. Now Im playing with the idea of creating an online multiplayer version of dune 2 in flash (since Im a flash programmer). it would be a non commercial game and Im only an amateur self learned programmer so nothing fancy. Would ppl be interested in such a game? greetingz, Zaminzar
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