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  1. Thanks Shygirl, Scotsman! Few days, and i will have the original CD Image of Dune2000, i'll try with it...Now i have downloaded all files of RZ, but i'll try connecting from the game, with the wolapi.dll. :O My config is : P3 Tualatin 1,4 Ghz, 512 SDRAM, 80 GB HDD, Ti4200 VGA, and 384/64 kB/s ADSL connection, i think this is enough, because on LAN the game working well ;)
  2. PLZ help me anyone! I have patched the game, version is 1.06, downloaded the files from http://www.explode.to/dune/ (rc86.zip, rc93b.exe), but i become the following message if i want to run the RotorzConnect.exe: Runtime error '76': Path not found; or by the rc93b.exe: Dune must be closed before start or stop this program. :- I tried connect from the game, but the Dune2000 (i think) can't identify my ADSL connection, because it says that i'm not registered, but i'm! What is the problem?!
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