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Everything posted by Duke

  1. OK man if u insist 8) check your messages :)
  2. na man as much as i would love that :) i couldnt take the game away unless u really wanted me to :)plus they dont even make it no more why would u wana give it up? you are one great human being man ;)
  3. like i said i live in "Montana" my parents are too stupid to figure out its safe to buy things online{i'm the only person with a compuetr in a 30 mile radious }:(so until i'm old enough to get a credit card aint nothing i can do :'( :-[ :'( :-[
  4. i would if i could anyway thx all :) enjoy this great game cuz i never will :'( 8) and if i ever get it i'll come back straight over here to catch u guys online and we can battle :) hvae fun all :-[
  5. see i wouldve bought it online but i am 16 and i dont have a credit card. i guess i will never expeeirence the game :-[ :'( :-[ :'( :-[ :'( :P :'(
  6. i live in montana usa and like i said the closest wallmart to me is 25 miles.i am stuck in the middle of no where :'( i'll just put it like this i see ppl ridein horses out here ??? so anyone just plz help me. i asked a freind to take me to walmart and as my luck would have it they didnt have it :'( so can some just help me get this game online.
  7. so can someone help me get this game plz :'( :-[ :-
  8. :'( :-[ :'( :- :-[ :'( :-[ :'( :P
  9. hey if i was old enough i woould have done naything possible but i'm only (16) and my options are limited :-[ somebody plz help me get this game :'(
  10. yea man anything i wish i can have it right now i wont sleep for 2 days!!! but e-mail me or anything as soon as u can man dont forget bout me :'( :'( :'( :'( :-[
  11. OMG that would be great cuz i really have been tryin for over a week to get this game i dont have a credit card or i wouldve ordered it online :'( couldnt u zipp it up or e-mail it to me or something so i can start losein sleep everynight :) I need this game thx again
  12. i was in a garage sale about a month ago and i came across Dune 2 for the sega genesis(i like playin old games once in a while) ::) and completey fell in love with it :) now my problem is i wanan get this emperor-battle for dune game :'( but i cant buy it anywhere do they make this game anymore? i wanna play this game so bad i would even go as far as downloadin it from somewhere if thats what it takes i'm in love wit this game i want it i need it :-[ can someone tell me where to get it plz :'( and no i dont live in a big city the closest walmart to me is like 25 miles somebody anybody plz help my e-mail eternal_insanity187@hotmail.com PS:just found out it has multiplayer for online play
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