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  1. I have lots of in-game screenhots with the EW, and It's poor quality.
  2. That's no limit, I'm 16 too.
  3. I can send it via Mail, but I do not know how lonk it will take to arrive.
  4. I think that I can burn you a copy (not original).
  5. I got to start somewhere, thanks for your help! :)
  6. I don't have the game installed, nad I can't get it, I gave it to a friend to play it for a couple of weeks, thanks for the feedback!
  7. Yes, and I need Dune fans to make it "work" :) I need population otherwise the whole forum will end up a wreck... :-[
  8. Try it now, :) Please come! :) it has a Dune sections and I need posters in that section! :)
  9. I know, I just wanted to know if anybody will take them...
  10. Yes, I need them for my site, and I like big bad worms! ;)
  11. I need some good quality screenshots (1024 x 768) of the Emperor Worm in the cinematic(s), thanks! :) The more, the better!
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