Thanks for the info, guys. Kalony, No thanks. My friends and I are avid RTS fans, and we have a blast with our own gaming sessions, and thus my preference is always games that my friends and I can play amongst ourselves. We've played them all, including Conquest, Sudden Strike, Cossacks, Empires: Dawn of the Modern World, Age of Mythology, Battle Realms, Warcraft 3/Frozen Throne, Zero Hour, American Conquest, Celtic Kings, Warrior Kings, Homeworld, War of the Ring, Highland Warriors, Entente, etc. Amazingly, Emperor: BFD is the first and only RTS game I remember coming across that doesn't allow you to play computer allies in skirmish. This is very frustrating, b/c I still think it's the coolest looking RTS game out there. Still, I'll keep hoping that some enterprising person will fix this one and only flaw. In the meantime, I'll try that AI patch and try out some single player skirmishes against one hard AI opponent.