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  1. Hi! The next release will contain at least parts of the original Dune II AI, I'm currently working on an interpreter for those EMC scripts that control unit and structure behaviour. Structure AI is already working, but in order to complete AI for movable units, I need to re-write parts of the code. I can't really tell when the next release will be ready, because I've got a lot of work to do, but I'll announce it here when it's ready. -MoRgNer
  2. Hi! Screenshots are now available at the linuxdune homepage: http://www.morgner.de/linuxdune Enjoy, MoRgNer
  3. Hi! There is a new version (0.4) of linuxdune available! Download it at http://www.morgner.de/linuxdune/linuxdune-0.4-i386-bin-static.tar.gz. New features are: - structures of different sides - building of structures / units - sonic waves of sonic tank :) The game has - except from pathfinding - no AI. That will changed if I manage to decode those EMC files I'm currently working at. Enjoy, MoRgNer
  4. Hi! I currently develop a native Linux clone of Dune II, written in C++, based on libSDL. There is a first semi-playable snapshot: http://www.morgner.de/linuxdune/linuxdune-0.3-i386-bin-static.tar.gz (There is a pre-compiled statically linked binary inside this archive, along with a README file.) The only file that's needed is dune.pak. See README for more info! Features: most of the units are working, selection of multiple units, moving, attacking, structures (without functionality). Planned / partly completed extra features are: TCP/IP networking selection of multiple units (groups) This snapshot is very far away from being complete, but it starts looking like the original. Enjoy! -MoRgNer (If anyone wants to help coding / can provide information / code on .wsa animations or other things, please tell me!)
  5. Hi! Here is a first semi-playable snapshot of the native Linux clone of Dune II: http://www.morgner.de/linuxdune/linuxdune-0.3-i386-bin-static.tar.gz The only file that's needed is the dune.pak. See README for more info! Features: most of the units are working, selection of multiple units, moving, attacking, structures (without functionality). This snapshot is very far away from being complete, but it starts looking like the original. :) Enjoy! -MoRgNer
  6. Thank you very much! The code works, although I had to change it a little, because some of the offsets were wrong. Now it uses the right mapping for the icons from icon.map, looks good! :) By changing the algorithm a bit, I even got some spice appearing on the map, but the distribution (which depends on the Field= value in the scenarion files) was not the same as in Dune II. :( -MoRgNer
  7. Hi! Does anyone know how to create a Dune II map from the seed (or field) value in scenario.pak / the scenario files? There are some seed2map programs at dune-related sites, but I didn't find any source code or hints on how the seed value is used to create the map. I need an algorithm or a description of how it's done. Thank you! -MoRgNer
  8. Hi! Does anyone know how to create a Dune II map from the seed (or field) value in scenario.pak / the scenario files? There are some seed2map programs at dune-related sites, but I didn't find any source code or hints on how the seed value is used to create the map. I need an algorithm or a description of how it's done. Thank you! -MoRgNer
  9. There is a first working version! I had to re-write the entire code to make it more readable and easier to understand (it's fully object-oriented now, with event handling), so the first things that are working are the basic gui and some vehicles (quad and trike) with sound, path-finding, shooting, a nice animation when a vehicle burns, and an animation when a vehicle explodes. (Just like in original Dune II). The code compiles cleanly under Debian/Woody, required libraries are libSDL, libSDL_mixer, libSDL_gfx (to be downloaded separately), libSDL_ttf, and libttf-dev (debian packages). See README for all libraries! The source code is available at: http://www.morgner.de/linuxdune There is also a pre-compiled statically linked version for i386 available. Bye, MoRgNer
  10. Hi! I'm currently working on a native Linux version of Dune II (C++ and libSDL), and I decided to try to use the original Dune II .pak resources, so I need to decode / unpack the files. Pak, Cps and Shp are already working, but I need to decode these .wsa and .icn files. Can anybody help me / provide information on the format of these files? (I plan to include TCP/IP multiplayer features) Already working features are: sound (at least partial), unit movement, gui, buildings, building of units (only quad yet), so you have something to look at already. If you want to help me developing the game or just take a look at it, please tell me! Thank you! :) Christian
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