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  1. New version available (0.6) Mailing list on site http://www.rapsweb.com/ebfdie/
  2. New version (0.5) Available http://www.rapsweb.com/ebfdie/
  3. And another new version ready(0.4) http://www.rapsweb.com/ebfdie/
  4. New version is ready, see the Dune ini editor topic (new)
  5. Try it: http://www.rapsweb.com/ebfdie/index.html version 0.3 now ready.
  6. http://www.rapsweb.com/EBFD-IE.zip -Atreides units can be edited. (properties Cost and Buildtime) Don't forget to press the SET button after editing unit values, and to use the Save option (from file menu) -Zip file including rules.txt -Changed the name from DIE.exe to EBFD-IE.zip
  7. Yep's you're right - DIE sounds a bit dangarous...it's just short for: Dune Ini Editor, But i think i should change this.
  8. http://www.rapsweb.com/die.exe The program hasn't got any real functions, this is just a interface test...
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