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  1. thx for clearing this up. what is about xvis, isn't it unofficial? could they possibly deliver me with the code i need to host the sp campaign in LAN? or would this be illegal? greetings vaardardaion
  2. hi there, i am very confused about the issue of playing the campaign in co-op mode over LAN. i read on one site that it is possible, on an other site i read that is only available online. because of my really limited bandwith (ISDN) it is quite difficuilt to play online together with my brother. but i'ld really love to do the campaign in co-op. :- is there any possiblity to accomplish this? Sorry for my newbish question and thanks for answering in advance. :) Greetings Vaardardaion PS: is there a way to get the content of emprworm's strat page back? i can't find a good emperor strategy page anymore... :'(
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