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Everything posted by Seb_Lz

  1. Ok, ty for your answers anyways
  2. Hello, As I had many problems playing with my brothers together at the same time on the internet, I recently bought a new copy of Emperor. In my registry, I can find a key named "serial" (@ HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREWestwoodEmperor). The problem is if i change the value of this key to the new serial digits (without the "-"), the game just doesn't work because the serial doesn't seem to be valid to Emperor (idd, the numbers aren't in the right order). How can I change my serial without reinstalling the game ?
  3. Thanks you, it works :D !
  4. Yes, i found how, there is a sticky post i didn't read :P
  5. Hello again :P, When I try to create a new WOL account, it says "loading failed or the page is invalid" and I have to buttons to clik on : "Cancel" or "Refresh" but refreshing doesn't work. What can I do to register a new account on WOL ?
  6. Hello, I know there is a list of keybord shortcuts in the manual but this list isn't full since there have been many new keybord combinaisons thanks to the different updates. I would like to know where I could find a full list of all the commands that can be done in Emperor (such as making groups, selecting all the units on the page etc, this kind of commands + the new ones). Thanks a lot in advance.
  7. Hi, I was wondering if there were any shortcuts or something to do so I don't have anymore the intro movies played when I start Emperor. Any ideas ?
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