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  1. @ galloper: where can i get the engl language files? is ist possible to copy and paste they just or... or is it only req. to use the english install cd (oh well i think thats to easy..or??) ok cya..! :)
  2. in the notepad are this: MODEL_DATA datamodel AI_DATA dataai AI_SCRIPTS_DATA dataaiscripts UIDATA dataui AUDIO dataaudio 3DDATA data3ddata MAPS datamaps CAMPAIGN_DATA datacampaign MISSION_DATA datamissions MOVIES datamovies MOVIES1 H:Movies MOVIES2 H:Movies MOVIES3 H:Movies MOVIES4 H:Movies SAVED_GAMES datasaves PLAYER_DETAILS datadetails STRINGS datastrings RECORD datarecord LOGS logs SOUNDS datasounds CD1 H: CD2 H: CD3 H: CD4 H: Well this tell my nothing, what did you say? this is from the unmoded one. here is the same notepad with imperial civ mod: MODEL_DATA datamodel AI_DATA dataai AI_SCRIPTS_DATA dataaiscripts UIDATA dataui AUDIO dataaudio 3DDATA data3ddata MAPS datamaps CAMPAIGN_DATA datacampaign MISSION_DATA datamissions MOVIES datamovies MOVIES1 H:Movies MOVIES2 H:Movies MOVIES3 H:Movies MOVIES4 H:Movies SAVED_GAMES datasaves PLAYER_DETAILS datadetails STRINGS datastrings RECORD datarecord LOGS logs SOUNDS datasounds CD1 H: CD2 H: CD3 H: CD4 H: what do you say?
  3. My Game HD is e: there i installed it. i take copy the mod and paste it to e:WestwoodEmperor (by the way i did it all the time ::) ) Windows ask to before its overwrite the old DATA folder and the both other ones... hhhmm i think this is right.... any ideas?? (sorry for my english, thats why i got the game in german ;) )
  4. I copied the kwisatz mod to the directory and it has overwrite the original one no success it didn
  5. then comes this..[attachment archived by Gobalopper]
  6. Hy @ all :) welll i try to test out the imperial and the kwisatz mod no one works for me. Only the orig. game without mods run on my PC: 1700@2600 amd 512 mb 333ddr 80gb gf4200 Windows XP Prof. all updates (checked them yesterday) anitvir (no norton) kerio per. firewall can someone help?[attachment archived by Gobalopper]
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