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  1. Inoculator9, the one person i have a feeling could help me. i went into the rules.txt and made infantry units available at the starport, something i think should be default since you never train your soldiers on site during a real war. that was easy because those units are house-specific, but i wanted to get the imperial sardaukar to come through the starport, but ONLY if you have an alliance with them. the direct way is impossible because starports are house-specific and imperial units cannot come through non-imperial buildings. i tried to get around that by setting the sardaukar available to all houses, and thought that might work. but, when i did that, it didnt matter if you were allied to them or not, you could always buy them at the starport, thats my problem. I want to find a way to make them available at the starport, but ONLY with an alliance. I know youve made a bunch of mods, i especially like your smuggler mod, so i figure youd be able to help me with my dilemma.
  2. Anybody know how i can change the rules to get sardaukar to come throught the starport, but only if you have them allied?? I can get them through the starport but only if they belong to one of the great houses. any help please?????
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