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  1. it's not the game i need info on just the ia file format, just thought someone might have come across it in another game :( thanks for your help anyway
  2. sure i'll give it a go, if i miss anything important let me know coz this is my first time trying this. The game is F1 manager, a formula 1 management sim. The game is a few years old and doesn't get updates anymore so we're producing these. The update involves new images for drivers teams etc. So far we have extracted some files using dragon unpacker and I have been working with these files. The first of these is the .njpg files which as i said earlier are standard jpgs with a 20 byte header. The first 8 bytes is the desccription of the file type. The next 4 is the x size followed by 4 bytes for the y size and the last 4 is the size of the original jpg. The second sort of file we have is .ia which is used for team logos and looks to have some transparency features. The first 20 bytes of this file seem to be similar to the njpg so I'm presuming it's a header as well. I've tried removing the header and opening the file in verious different formats (gif png tga etc) without success. The image also does not seem to have a magic number. It also appears to be very padded out at the end. The idea is if we can create new images they can be placed into directories in the game directory and they will be used from there instead of the RFD RFH RFC files in which they are currently stored. Any info u might have would be really useful Thanks Adam
  3. Hey, This isn't really dune related but I'm hoping some of you might have come across this file when modding other games and will be able to give me some advice. I'm trying to modify the F1 managaer game to make updates for it. Some of the logos it uses are in a .ia file format. I have taken other files in .njpg format which is a jpg with a 20 byte header added on. If anyone has any idea what sort of file the IA is and what I can use to edit it or get some info on it's structure I would be really grateful.
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