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  1. I've reinstalled the game now and somehow it works. I don't know why it didn't do it before. But thanks for your several hints.
  2. What do you mean with "sufficient NTFS right"? I didn't reinstall it, maybe that works. But I've patched the game already.
  3. Well I have an original CD and the problem is, that I cannot choose the next territory. One could say, that the first level repeats itself.
  4. Hi! It's been a long time since I played Dune 2000. I wanted to play it again, so I installed the game. I'm using Windows XP Professional. I've got the following problem: The games works fine, everything runs well. But after I finished the first mission, I can't go on. On the map where you pick the next level I always may choose the first level. After completing the level I'm only able to choose the first level again. I hope you know how I mean it. Did anyone of you have this problem before? How does it occur? What can I do? Thx for help.
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