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    Nantes - France - Europe
  1. ok i'm going to try this. Thanks, be right back in 5 min.
  2. I tried win95, and win2k but nothing to do :'(
  3. Apollyon : I did it already but, doens't work :-[
  4. Internet whilst ? what is that ? ???
  5. I can't install pack sp1a. Don't know why. The game didn't work before i donwload the patch. :(
  6. >:( I'm running under winxp (without Nav) and noway to play Emperor. I got black screen during 2sec, and back to my desk :- I installed last driver for my nvidia Geforced 5200 FX. here my dxdiag file ??? thanks[attachment archived by Gobalopper]
  7. Nothing to do, with or without NAV and after re-install EBFD. Here my last DxDiag[attachment archived by Gobalopper]
  8. Hello, I know the pbl with NAV and I download the patch EMPENGINSTFIX10 and for my Nvidia Video Card I install drivers From Omega Nvidia driver. I running under WinXP Pro. But nothing to do, I got a black screen and I go back to my desk :( Emperor doesn't work. I don't know why, because I know that it is running Under Xp pro.
  9. doesn't work. I tried to un-install Nav and EBFD et re-install EBFD but nothing to do. The game doesn't work. black screen and go back to windows desk. :(
  10. Hi, I got WinXP, Nav 2003 and I install the EMPENGINSTFIX10.ZIP patch. I'm running with directx 9. But nothing to do, Emperor doesn't work :( I got a black screen during 1 sec and I go back to my desk after that. here my dxDiag thnaks for help[attachment archived by Gobalopper]
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