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  1. sure but is it in danish :)[attachment archived by Gobalopper]
  2. I tried the drivers but my game still wont run!
  3. What is that tweak called? No im notusing any form of anti-virus!
  4. I tried the 21.83 and 28.32 drivers and it STIL DIDN'T work.... OMG
  5. I tried it on 16-bit.... didn't work Im currently using nvidia's 45.23 detonator drivers... I have found 21.83 and is about to try them out... But wont these old drivers have an effekt on my newer games?
  6. No it's from asus agp 7700 g-force 2 GTS PRo 64mb
  7. I've made the report but it's in danish.... i've fixed all you said before but it still wont work.. ill attach the dxdiag[attachment archived by Gobalopper]
  8. When i dobbel click the.exe the screen goes black and then returns to desktop...
  9. Hi I've read trough the fora and tried all theres has been posted but my emperor still wont work.. When i start the game, the screen go's black and it returnes to desktop... I haven't got any AV programs, I tried patching and the fix, I've tried changing resolution, I've tried compatible mode for all windows and I have tried we-installing about 5 times now... plz help me... I've attached my dxdiag...[attachment archived by Gobalopper]
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