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  1. Hey all, I have been wondering. I have bought Emperor a long time ago and finished it soon after. And now, I am starting all over again. But his time I'm just "fooling" around. I mean. I attack a new territory on the map, but if the computer is attacking a territory that I don't think is worth defending, or when I just don't want to defend it, I usually resign from the defending task. The trouble is that you can't seem to do that over and over again. After a few resigns, you get a warning, and soon after that you are killed/replaced/whatever. Is there some sort of mod out there that takes away the "you must not resign more than X times" rule? And if there isn't, is it possible to mod it anyway? And while I am speaking of these things, is there also a way that you don't need to attack a round if you really don't want to. (Like I said, I am just playing for the fun of it now :)) So that you can just look and await the attacks of the computer for a change?
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