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  1. For the record, I've been playing games since 1988, Dune II is one of the best games I've ever played, and I'm an hard-core Dune-universe fan. Emperor: Battle For Dune... S U C K S Although I'm playing it like a mad man, it's only because it's related to Dune. The gameplay is no better than it was with Dune2000, and I can't understand why you people, Dune people, are raving mad happy with this game, are you guys blind and def? First off, the 3D, sure, it looks GREAT, but is it of any use to you? In my opinion all it really does is slowing down the game bigtime. The music is great, the cutscenes are good, all is good except the gameplay and how you control it. The AI controlling the opponent is good, but the AI that helps YOU controlling YOUR game SUCKS. Like moving many units is a pain in the ass, your units don't fight back while you move them, you can't put them in "defensive / offensive" mode, your units don't do squat while a long-range attacker is blasting them to smitherines, I could go on and on with these little things, but I want to open up a discussion about this, see what you guys have to say... I was really, really, REALLY excited about this game, everyone were talking about how 'revolutionary' and GREAT this game was going to be, and when I played it, I was deeply and utterly disappointed. This game is exactly like Dune2000 but in 3D. (Dune2000 wasn't all that great either) AOE, Starcraft, Homeworld, these are games with intuitive controls & gameplay. I wish, I wish they had just copied one of these games and replaced all the elements with Dune elements.
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