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  1. *Nyar is thinking the same* I'd say go for McAfee. It has never let me down. Sorry to say this so bluntly Hyper, but your problem seems to be Norton. Believe me when I say you're not the first and certainly won't be the last.. So there is no cure other than removing Norton? Dammit why can't Symantec just pull themselves together and fix the damn problem.
  2. Okay, I finally got the time to do the large operation you asked for, and here is the outcome: 1. Uninstall of Symantec Antivirus Corporate Edition 8.0 2. Game still not working :- 3. Reinstall of game 4. Game working :) 5. Update of game 6. Game still working :) 7. Reinstall of Symantec Antivirus Corporate Edition 8.0 8. Game not working again :- --- I guess that pretty much defines the problem. What do I do next?
  3. Sorry for the late reply, I'll get around to that big thing in a day or two. It'll take some time because I need to find the cds and everything. Yes I've tried that as well. It only helps a bit. It passes the loading screen, goes through the logos (which it didn't do before) and then crashes to desktop. By the way I removed the .exe from the zip file and put in the original one since it didn't help.
  4. I've tried all the compatibility options, none of them worked though. Direct X output is attached. At least they're aware of the issue themselves. Symantec doesn't seem to care about it at all though.[attachment archived by Gobalopper]
  5. I click the Emperor Battle for dune icon twice, the loading screen shows up, and then...nothing. Win XP P4 2.4 Ghz Geforce 2 Ultra 1 GB ram Game is updated, and I have the latest drivers for everything. I also have Symantec Antivirus Corporate edition 8.0 installed. Thanks for any help
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