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Railroad Tycoon 2

Map fixes for the original version of the game.

8 files

  1. Author's Comments: This is the New South Wales part of the original campaign (pt. 17, "Dilemma Down Under"), with fixes. Game goals (profits) fixed, Train vs Sheep has been fixed. Other minor fixes.
    221 0
  2. Author's Comments: This is the Germany / Prussia part of the original campaign (pt. 9, "When Walls Come Down"), with fixes. Territory connections have been fixed, extra setup event killed. Other minor fixes.
    202 0
  3. Author's Comments: This is the China part of the original campaign (pt. 16, "The People's Train"), with fixes. Steel revenues at end of Korean War fixed. Secondary briefing added.
    201 0
  4. Author's Comments: This is the Africa part of the original campaign (pt. 18, "Cape to Cairo"), with fixes. Minor fixes only, mainly reserve cells & territories.
    212 0
  5. Author's Comments: This is the France & Europe part of the original campaign (pt. 10, "Next Stop the 20th Century"), with fixes. Game goals now properly set up and counted, territory connections fixed. Other minor fixes.
    235 0
  6. Author's Comments: This is "The Brenner Pass" (Alps) part of the original campaign (pt. 11), with fixes. Innsbruck connection checking event fixed, LoadsHauled counter fixed.
    191 0
  7. Author's Comments: This is the Orient Express part of the original campaign (pt. 8, "Excess on the Orient Express"), with fixes. Raw materials & regions have been fixed, river between Italy and Sicily fixed. Loads Hauled counter added. Other minor fixes.
    204 0
  8. Author's Comments: This is the New York - Chicago part of the original campaign (pt. 2, "Handle on the Breadbasket"), with fixes. Chicago station recognized now, "LoadsHauled" now works properly & counter added.
    214 1

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