Railroad Tycoon 2: The Second Century
Map fixes for The Second Century expansion.
7 files
Author's Comments: Campaign pt. 7 "#e07camp.mp2" (France) - fixes
1) CompanyVariable1 set up, but not listed in game goals -- fixed
2) fixed various misspellings
3) GameVariable2 initialized, but not used for anything - killed it.
4) set up 4th connection message.
By Guest188 0 -
Author's Comments: Campaign pt. 15 "#e15camp.mp2" (GeoCore explosion / flooding) - fixes
1) fixed GameVariable1 (flooding counter).
By Guest180 0 -
Author's Comments: Campaign pt. 02 "#e02camp.mp2" ("Battle of Britain") - fixes
1) added two more Fertilizer Plants - the one in London is too easily lost, and is necessary for Food
2) added a small 'sanding' station near Barnsley.
By Guest245 0 -
Author's Comments: Campaign pt. 14 "#e14camp.mp2" (1st GeoCore plant) - fixes
1) IndustryInvestments vs. IndustryProfits -- the briefing and the Status reports say one thing, the triggers say another... changed all to "CompanyIndustryProfitsLifetime"
By Guest219 0 -
Author's Comments: Campaign pt. 4 "#e04camp.mp2" ("Edelweiss Express") - fixes
1) CompanyVariable1 and city ID# listed incorrectly in Munich to Vienna connection event - fixed
2) fixed message text for Munich to Vienna connection
3) fixed various reserve cells.
By Guest215 0 -
Author's Comments: Campaign pt. 9 "#e09camp.mp2" (Three Mile Island) - fixes
1) fixed GameVariable4 (computer loads hauled) in goals.
By Guest186 0 -
Author's Comments: Campaign pt. 10 "#e10camp.mp2" (Amtrak West) - fixes
1) fixed GameVariable4 (profit counter) in goals
2) added setup event for GVar4 (profit counter).
By Guest220 0