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Railroad Tycoon 2: Gold

Map fixes for the Gold edition of the game.

12 files

  1. Author's Comments: Changes:
    1) minor spelling fixes
    2) various reserve cell fixes
    3) 2 cities named "Ashley"? Renamed one as "Ashlei"
    4) added connection message for Kokloma Island
    218 0
  2. Author's Comments: Changes:
    1) changed wording in paper subsidy event to "during this next year" instead of "for the year"
    2) changed NYC lumber offer to >=1 instead of <=1
    3) minor spelling fixes
    186 0
  3. Author's Comments: Changes:
    1) spelling fixed on Sept-Iles
    2) various reserve cell fixes
    187 0
  4. Author's Comments: Changes:
    1) Bronze trigger was set for 2000 Passengers instead of 1100, corrected
    2) new event - Passenger quota waived for first year (also added secondary briefing
    3) minimum start year is 1804? Possibly too early, but left it as is
    4) new event - AI not allowed in Osaka (& painted Osaka as Territory 2... - later discovered that Okazaki had been painted as T2 instead of Osaka)
    5) various reserve cell fixes
    6) new event - Status... Passenger / LoadsHauledLifetime
    201 0
  5. Author's Comments: Changes:
    1) changed company name (big deal, huh?)
    2) reserve cell fixes
    1) fixed spelling on electrical offer
    186 0
  6. Author's Comments: Changes:
    1) added secondary briefing
    190 0
  7. Author's Comments: Changes:
    1) undisabled Chemical Plants (needed for Grain & Rubber)
    2) added Chemical Plant & Fertilizer Plant to several cities
    3) added some silly stuff to some of the messages
    4) set 'Always Trigger' on the two Status events that were missing it
    177 0
  8. Author's Comments: Changes:
    1) disabled Rubber Farms (no Tire Factory, no Weapons Plant, Ports don't demand Rubber)
    2) undisabled Paper Mill (several cities already set up for Paper)
    182 0
  9. Author's Comments: Changes:
    1) Bronze and Silver were listed as 1899 instead of 1889 - corrected
    2) minor spelling fix
    191 0
  10. Author's Comments: Changes:
    1) disabled Coffee
    2) fixed spelling ("Carlisle" instead of "Carliste")
    3) added another track event - 150 more cells for $270K, provided London is connected to Edinburgh and player has most passenger loads hauled to date.
    4) added CompanyCash requirement to trigger for first 'extra track' event
    5) saved with new filename (correcting spelling)
    6) disabled Aluminum Mill (Aluminum supplied by Ports, no Bauxite)
    196 0
  11. Author's Comments: Changes:
    1) various reserve cell fixes
    2) labeled Grand Canyon
    3) added Allowed / Not Allowed events for AI (keep them out of L.A.)
    4) adjusted regions slightly - added more Landfill & Oil Well
    5) added Dairy Processor to several cities
    206 0
  12. Author's Comments: Changes:
    1) disabled Tire Factory (Ports demand Rubber in exchange for Tires)
    2) minor spelling fixes
    1) undisabled Steel Mill (Ports demand Aluminum in exchange for Steel)
    2) several reserve cell fixes (Juazeiro, Sao Paulo to Rio, etc.)Author's Comments: Changes:
    1) disabled Tire Factory (Ports demand Rubber in exchange for Tires)
    2) minor spelling fixes
    1) undisabled Steel Mill (Ports demand Aluminum in exchange for Steel)
    2) several reserve cell fixes (Juazeiro, Sao Paulo to Rio, etc.)
    168 0

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